Nuestra intención / Our policy

Erasmus Policy:

IES Cuenca del Nalón is a public high school where students can study a high degree vocational training cycle in Electricity-Electronics and Administration and Finance. These studies are part of the national higher-education levels and include the compulsory module of Training at the Working Centres which is carried out in companies of the professional sector and they are equivalent to 22 credits. The process of credit recognition is transparent since it is not a decision of the high school but it depends on the Local Ministry for Education of Asturias.

By requesting for an Erasmus Charter our center wants to state our wish to take part in the program, as part of the strategy to carry out the modernization and internationalization of our institution. Our aim is to reach institutional transnational agreements, promoting a European dimension which involves the faculty and that may give the students the opportunity to enrich their knowledge in a work environment in a different country since it involves deep changes in the individuals themselves.

We do not have any special geographical predilection, but in principle we want to focus on the countries of the European Union since the cost of the trip for our pupils is an important aspect to bear in mind. In previous years, our school has developed different programs of collaboration with other European centers and we will take advantage of these relationships for the search of new partners. The chambers of commerce will also be an important source because they are institutions that are engaged with the internationalization of the companies.  We will also use a direct and active search by using new technologies and programmes like e-Tweening.

The partners will be chosen depending on the pupils and the staff’s needs, always searching  for quality mobility. In the case of the trainee pupils, special attention will be paid to the quality of the education and to the adequacy of the job environment in the associate institutions, as well as to the offer of education in foreign languages. Successful alliances are based on reciprocity, the outcome of mobility and mutual interest.



Our center is working actively to reach agreements with companies and European institutions that may promote the mobility of students and teachers. Thus, different departments and commissions are working in collaboration with the Coordinator of European Programs to fix concrete objectives for search.

Our center’s priority actions for Erasmus’ program are:


1.1. Regarding outgoing students we aim to:·

  • Develop and improve the information process and selection process of beneficiaries.
  • Increase agreements for double diplomas.
  • Speed up the system to recognize studies which have been done.
  • Give the maximum information on the study programmes to follow before departure of students.
  • Adapt programmes to personal learning itineraries.


1.2. Regarding student and teaching staff reception we aim to:·

  • Increase subjects offered in English, improve the logistics services.
  • Help student and teacher integration.
  • Offer linguistic preparation.
  • Develop thematic workshops and invite international teacher to them.

1.3. Regarding student mobility for work placements we aim to

  • Establish contacts between teacher and companies.
  • Draw up work schedules, monitoring and evaluation of the stays.
  • Recognize all placements through Europass certification.
  • Meet the required administrative and financial conditions.
  • Provide medical and Civil Responsibility insurance and request it from the company and centers where the students will be placed.

1.4. Regarding teacher mobility we aim to:

  • Encourage and inform teaching staff about programmes and possibilities.
  • Identify affinity between teachers from other countries with which agreements have been signed.
  • Boost recognition for mobility.
  • Involve the institution in promoting this mobility.

1.5. To inform about the programme a number of ways emphasizing his attraction and the accessibility.



We hope to contribute in the development of international aspects in the educational and learning methodology, for example, through the teachers’ contribution and the use of international references.

In addition, we think that we can offer a valuable opportunity for those students, teachers and institutions that could be interested in knowing us. We would like that our professional experience and teachings were easily accessible by letting them know our educational projects and by sharing our contacts with companies.

IES Cuenca del Nalón is an educational center with a great social and economic diversity, with students from diverse nationalities and ethnic groups.

We are strongly committed with the advantages of non discrimination.  Education based on the respect for difference and the equality of rights for every person is part of our curriculum, and most importantly parr of our daily work.

Our participation in the Erasmus Program is key to:

  • Improve the quality and the attractivenes of vocational training among pupils and companies.
  • Help to reduce the rate of early school leaving.
  • Develop the creativity, the competitiveness, the employability and the promotion of entrepreneurship.
  • Bring education closer to companies in the European space and to know the different professional profiles that the labor market demands.
  • Contribute in the formation of young people as future qualified and resourceful professionals with varied experience.
  • Promote the learning of the languages and the culture of the countries of the European Union and to promote the integration of different cultures.


We expect a high impact both at personal level and at institutional level.

Personal impact:

  • Growth and development of personal competences, languages, knowledge, tolerance, aptitude to to overcome adverse conditions.
  • Greater employability.

Impact at institutional level:

  • The mobility of students and academic staff stimulates creation or modernization in a diversity of areas.
  • Support services.
  • Quality of education (new methods of education and the exchange of good practices between high schools)
  • Modernization and internationalization of the curriculum.
  • Transparency and transfer of qualifications.
  • Increase of the participation of the investigators in international projects.
  • Increase of the excellence (international benchmarking) and competence in thematic areas.
  • Strengthening of the cooperation with the industry and principally SMEs